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Melbourne's GHB problem

DEADLY dance drug GHB is cheaper and easier to get in Melbourne than anywhere else in Australia, a leading researcher has warned.

Its estimated street value is less than $7 for a 2ml "charge", about the same price paid for two pots of beer.

It's feared the drug, linked to overdoses at city raves in the past six months, is more popular with Melbourne teens because it's so cheap.

Drug and Alcohol Research and Training Australia spokesman Paul Dillon said a worrying trend was emerging.

"There is certainly anecdotal evidence to suggest GHB is more accessible in Melbourne and it's cheaper," he said.

That may explain why there are more GHB-related overdoses than in Sydney, he said.

"In Melbourne, ambulances have been lined up at major dance events . . . you never used to see that."

More than 25 people were treated for suspected GHB overdoses at a weekend party.

Posted By jamesk at 2009-04-14 16:02:53 permalink | comments
Tags: GHB Australia
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Travels. : 2010-11-18 14:40:49
I'm one of the many that are very, deeply impacted by the various media mongers of the world. I was just recently put on Xyrem and was prescribed an initial "free" trial script. After my trial ended, and I found the effects life changing, they decided to spill the beans on their monopoly. At the time I had no health coverage to speak of, and the reply to my inquiry of out-of-pocket expense was nothing short of jaw-dropping. $1400.00!!!!!
The whole reason they can charge this ridiculous price is because they are in fact the only company that sells this drug, and it's all because of the misrepresented name it's been given by our media.
Mike R. : 2009-08-18 11:05:45
Anyone who tells you that GHB has no medical use is ignorant or is lying to you. This is why Big Pharma was so adamant about having it listed Shecdule 1 (despite making GHB available as a Schedul 3 pharmaceutical known a Xyrem). Sechedule 1 and 3 at the same time? Right.

GHB can be used to treat:
-Appetite disorders
-Sleep disorders (particularly Parkinson's)
-Sexual disorders
-Dompamine-related disorders (Parkinson's)
-Alzheimers Disease

That's just for starters. You prohibitionist types really need to stop spouting off at the mouth until you've done some homework. A quick Google search will show you that GHB is a basic and non-toxic carbohydrate that already exists in every cell in the human body - particularlly the brain.

jamesk : 2009-05-15 11:10:51
The industrial solvent sold as a GHB substitute is 1,4 Butanediol, which turns into GHB in the body once you drink it. [link]
Against G!. : 2009-05-14 23:59:24
GHB is highly dose dependent, experienced users often measure their dose according to their tolerance. The thing with GHB is that even 1 ml over your threshold could mean the difference between conscious and COMA! Untreated it can cause death.

Some of the comments above are so ignorant. GHB has no medical use (apart from being used as an anasthetic, but ceased), therefore it can be genuinly portrayed as a bad and deadly drug because thats what it is. YES you can overdose and die on many other legal drugs like Asprin! However, Asprin is designed to be taken at a prescriped dose for medical alleviate pain.

And to all those idiots willing to use G, do some research youl find that most of the stuff being sold off as G is in fact nothing but an industrial chemical used as solvent, paint stripper, plastics manufacturing, metals etc.

GBL (IN AMERICA). : 2009-05-01 03:31:29
I have gone through 5 bottles (250ml each) of GBL and... every physical and doctor's visit, my doctors say, "you are as healthy as an ox" the irony when you TAKE THE RECOMMENDED 1-2.5ML DOSE and guess what, I DONT FEEL THE NEED TO GIVE IN TO THE ALCOHOL INDUSTRY because I WAKE UP FEELING WONDERFUL AND CALM! I mean c'mon how retarded do you have to be to trust that XYREM IS ANY DIFFERENT THAN GHB! LEGALIZE GHB and request DNA SAMPLES ONCE YOU BECOME A PURCHASER SO THAT IF SOMEONE IS 'RAPED' THEN THEY RUN THE DNA THROUGH THE BANK AND YOU'RE CAUGHT NOT FOR JUST BEING A RAPIST, BUT FOR BEING A PARTY POOPER FOR THOSE OF US IN THE WORLD THAT CAN PHYSIOLOGICALLY BENEFIT.
Miles B. Dustpan. : 2009-04-19 19:42:45
GHB's great. Deadly? Water is deadly at high enough doses.
jamesk : 2009-04-14 22:21:12
I thought it was funny how they put DEADLY in bold letters at the beginning of an article on GHB. Aspirin is deadly if you take too many, but they never say "DEADLY aspirin has been shown to be effective in the treatment of headaches..." and so on. Typical media bias. What are people falling over on this week?
gaba. : 2009-04-14 20:26:18
Since when is it deadly? The true lethal dosage is a huge number, and if you have a respirator handy, well a friend has a respirator handy, you can take so much and survive that you'll end up bloated and dehydrated the next day from having too much sodium in your blood
Brandon. : 2009-04-14 17:11:22
DEADLY indeed

out of the thousands of GABA modulators we get the fermented and distilled kinds

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