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New Trend: Smoking Candy

It's taking place in lunchrooms, playgrounds and classrooms across the tri-state area.

It may even be happening in your own home -- kids smoking candy.

But doctors and safety experts say this new trend isn't so sweet.

Every so often, 18-year-old Jeremy Froncek says he sneaks a smoke.

"Around the house, ya know, outside of work," Froncek said.

But he's not puffing on cigarettes. He's "smoking" candy.

It sounds bizarre -- even impossible. But kids grind up pieces of candy -- like "Smarties" – and they actually inhale the fine candy powder then blow it out like cigarette smoke.

"Eventually, as I got better at it, you know, it was just a cool thing to do," Froncek said.

How about some cable news bloviating on the subject?

A quick search on YouTube shows dozens of how-to videos created by children of all ages. Some clips even show children snorting the sweet stuff.

"Before I was sent the YouTube videos, I had never heard of smoking and snorting Smarties," drug safety expert Peggy Sapp said.

Sapp was alarmed that kids are mimicking such dangerous and illegal habits, but said kids often do what's "in" to fit in.

"Who doesn't want to be cool? To get on YouTube and they have become instant celebrities with their peer groups," Sapp said.

Gotta go get me some Smarties so I can be cool too!

Thanks Don!

Posted By jamesk at 2009-04-11 13:14:51 permalink | comments
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Beez. : 2013-07-03 07:26:48
I think this is a little bit smart. I rather smoke candy then smoke cigarettes. There are stuff in a cigarette that are totally bad for your body but sweets are at least safe for kids.
Person. : 2010-04-02 19:42:03
The only place to do this was FOX people. Stop being jeks and pissing about the frickin station! It was a DOCTOR so SHUT UP!
neurol23. : 2009-04-14 03:37:50
not only it will make you cool, it will make you sweet !
brent. : 2009-04-12 21:11:59
this is nothing new. I was doing the exact same thing in 1996 when i was 10
Recovering pixie stick addict. : 2009-04-12 20:03:22
i'm a recovering pixie stick addict. I started huffing pixie sticks because it was the "cool thing to do." Before i knew it i was locked into a $1000 a day pixie stick habit. I lost everything due to my pixie stick habit. Now that i am free of the grip of the devil pixie sticks I am able to warn others of the dangers of a pixie stick habit.

LMFAO! kids these days....i feel bad for them! They resort to "smoking candy." You better stock up on smarties while you still can! First it was salvia tobe banned, next will be smarties and pixie sticks.

the.thistle. : 2009-04-12 17:23:56
okay, never mind. they don't heat the material. duh.
the.thistle. : 2009-04-12 17:13:33
"and remember, when they're smoking--it's not really the right term. a smoker will inhale a gas, a vapor which is inhaled through the bloodstream." smoke produced from the burning of plant material contains particulate matter in addition to vapors.
Parker. : 2009-04-12 15:21:32
It's funny, if people have to breath fine particulates as a part of there work like coal or wood dust Fox would have no problem with it. When power plants and trucks spew air pollution that kids end up breathing Fox has no problem with it. But in this case NOW they are concerned with kids breathing particulates.
Anonymous. : 2009-04-12 07:06:58
Obviously, prohibition doesn't work.

Bring back candy cigarettes!

(Actually, they still make them -- a local convenience store sells them -- but they've removed the word "cigarette" from the package, and they're not made with the same loving detail as they used to be.)

guest : 2009-04-11 16:23:32
Who taught cable news people to get hyperactive and hyperventilate about every damn story?
GK.. : 2009-04-11 16:22:06
Right on kiddies! Blow it out sloooooow. It looks cooler and it'll give you a little practice for that glass dick you'll nursing in eight years. Hey, while you're at it practice polishing your kitchen sink with mag polish for three hours a day, as that will most certainly come in handy.

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