Obama to intensify pot prosecutions
| Recently our Drug Warrior President Barack Obama's Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, on a visit to Mexico, made the statement that: "Our insatiable demand for illegal drugs fuels the drug trade," adding, according to a David Sirota column, that "we have co-responsibility" for the cartel-driven carnage plaguing our southern border. She seemingly left hanging what that admission implied for American drug policy.
This week our Drug Warrior President Barack Obama's Attorney General, Eric H. Holder Jr., in an interview with the New York Times in Mexico City, filled the policy void.
"And with marijuana sales central to the drug trade, Mr. Holder said he was exploring ways to lower the minimum amount required for the federal prosecution of possession cases."
Add this to the $3-billion Byrne Grant money in the Obama stimulus package for stimulating more drug task forces, more drug courts and more drug prisons and a pattern of an intensified prohibition drug war is quickly emerging within the Obama administration.
Not so much change after all... What happened to Obama's 2004 stance on decriminalization?
What are they trying to do, swim against the rising tide of public opinion shift with more of the same insane drug war? It's not only futile but also naive, as it only helps accelerate the ongoing opinion shift by presenting more opportunities to point out how it is failing.
Scott Morgan at stopthedrugwar.org provides some clarification on Holder's remarks by pointing to a Baltimore Sun article. In short, Holder was basically referring to the prosecution of traffickers, who currently slip under the amount threshold warranting federal prosecution
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Recently @ DoseNation
good for your head and mine,it helps enduring administration's
wrong doings.Your president is as bad as mine,he might be a bet
better actually. I'm glad I didn't vote for either of 'em.shuss.
[link] In response to a direct question by Bob Schieffer on CBS Face The Nation on April 12, 2009 about legalization of marijuana the Mexican ambassador to the United States, Arturo Sarukhan, stated that there needs to be a "serious discussion" about legalization of marijuana. "This is a debate that needs to be taken seriously."
Scott Morgan at stopthedrugwar.org ....
==== Is just Scott's assumption. He makes a lot of assumptions that you can read in the discussion thread. Accepting the assumptions as true Holder is talking about taking more cases from state into federal court because the state courts are already clogged with cases. In the 1990's the state courts got clogged with all of the crack cases due to increased enforcement and the federal government had to lower their threshold to push more cases into federal courts. This resulted in the horrific prison racial disparity statistics and prisons being filled to over-crowding. Now they intend using the same reduced threshold tactic for pot to shove more cases into the federal courts. when the campaigning Obama decried the racial disparities in incarceration rates he was not talking about sending fewer blacks to prison. He was talking about sending more white to prison to balance the statistics. This is how he intends doing that.
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