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Salvia Divinorum medical benefits

Okay, this is from a PR website (probably written by Salvia vendors), but thought I'd share.

Salvia Divinorum is a very popular for its psychedelic effects. Many people have a misconception that the Salvia Divinorum is in the same class of drugs as marijuana and cocaine. Therefore, they believe that Salvia Divinorum should be made illegal. Nothing could be further from the truth. Salvia Divinorum is entirely different from other plants and drugs.
In fact some studies indicate that Salvia Divinorum can be used to free a person from addiction to alcohol and other drugs. In addition, new research is unlocking the untapped medical potential of Salvia Divinorum.

Speaking about the medical benefits of Salvia Divinorum, the professionals of Black Hat Botanicals said, “Various research studies indicate that Salvia Divinorum has great healing potential. Ongoing laboratory trials are showing that this miraculous herb could be a remedy for several diseases and mental disorders. Alzheimer’s, schizophrenia, depression, insomnia, stress, indigestion, and chronic pain are some of the health issues that could one day be treated with the use of this herb, or its chemical constituents. Historically, Salvia Divinorum was widely used by the Mazatec Indians for centuries, who sought relief from rheumatism, anemia and headache.”

Posted By jamesk at 2009-03-21 12:12:20 permalink | comments
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Thomas. : 2013-04-13 02:05:08
I smoked a huge amount of salvia and then I went to sleep, in my sleep I spoke to every women I ever wanted to have as my life partner. They were beautiful, and there was also a dragon made of bones that was talking to me and flew away. I'm doing salvia to get ride of my extreme gliadin addiction in wheat products. When I don't eat wheat for 8 hours I start trembling and loose my mind. Gliadins are 2.5% the strenght of heroin, so the only thing that can help me is salvia.
guest : 2013-01-26 13:39:50
So all of you critiquing this article are doctors ? Or experts on this ? ... I think not , so don't say your opinion is fact .
Imix. : 2011-06-21 15:19:18
I had to post. I couldn't stand the ways people have been ridiculing themselves and disrespecting such a wonderful Goddess, that is the wise Ska Pastora.
For one thing, Salvia Divinorum is not a recreational drug, it is not the wise teacher you want to see it as. It is a mere tool, when used to enter altered states of conciousness. Salvinorin A and B have hallucinogenic properties. But Salvia Divinorum? Salvia is just a plant.
When the day that the FDA and the scientific community decide that this plant might be useful to cure ailments, then it will be seen as medicine for the qualmish. Everything has health benefits, even cyanide. It just depends on the methods and quantities. And everything can be a poison as well, ditto.
YVD. : 2011-03-03 14:43:55
Well I am not a skeptic of psychedelics, but I don't see Salvia as a psychedelic whatsoever. I have to say that I don't learn anything on any teacher plants...they only open me up to the wisdom within that I may have blocked through past associations...they also open me up to reading texts that otherwise I wouldn't be able to read...not while I'm ON them...not at all, but much much much later, sometimes, even years later. So to call them educational is wrong, because all knowledge and all experience is already within us...different herbs and plants only help unlock certain doors within the mind that for whatever reason we are unable to unlock alone. The power is within us, not in plants of any type. Trust the force, Luke! :)
lilvic. : 2009-12-02 16:40:41
no it is not
Bruce. : 2009-07-22 06:22:24
Here's a major salvia divinorum benefit: Tobacco smoking cessation. Since I have begun smoking salvia once per day, I have not had the motivation to smoke cigarettes. I only smoke the crushed, dry leaves (no incense/extracts) and I only take 1 deep puff through a bong and hold it for about 10-15 seconds. My anxiety level is greatly decreased and I am feeling benefits of breathing better because of dropping the cigarettes. What's best about this is that the leaves don't give me any hallucinations or addiction. Taking it this way is therapeutic for me as I have quit smoking WITHOUT the added expense of food cravings, weight gain, etc. Yes, I tried quid and it doesn't work for me. Crushed dried leaves once per day is all you need to fight cigarettes and food cravings!
John. : 2009-04-28 04:08:45
Mark Taylor. : 2009-04-28 03:05:27
Salvia is really good for health. i also use it, try it on

Wazoh. : 2009-04-08 04:44:52
It's in the healing category of plants. Firstly, it's so powerful at low doses, that the "salvinorin A" or whatever isn't likely to induce much damage of itself physically. It isn't so pleasant or fun to do in a large noisy group, that it could ever be a party drug. It's awefully sneaky in how it comes on, just about the time you notice it at all, its too much at first. Forget any "Heroic dose" macho bullshit. Most people find that if they even want to use it more than once, the next time has to be in special circumstances, nothing less than perfect will do. The effects should really be measured over about a month. You may notice your empathy and insight into people and situations are sharpened over that time. So it has a learning component to the experience. It's ability to heal others is probably what it is mostly about. : 2009-03-25 10:58:02
100% definitely a marketing venture.
salvia head. : 2009-03-23 12:48:36
well I did so much Salvia over the course of a couple years, and at one point I had a breakthrough experience. That experience was so powerful as I encountered "humanoid entities" that wanted to take me to a different dimension, but before they could I freaked out. Several days after the experience I entered into a deep trance while drumming, and the entities started to appear in my third eye. They asked me, "why are you so afraid? We just wanted to take you to a party, and show you a good time." They also said, "when you journey on Salvia you are traveling outside of your body to the point of being in a "near death state". You won't die, but you're not living life to the fullest." They then told me "It is important you get back into your physical body. As you can see spirits like us don't have physical bodies, but we choose to manifest a humanoid form. Why? Because this is the best design in the universe for dancing. You have to go and remind people to celebrate their body and embrace the physical aspects that spirit does not have. Dance." they ended with the message,"You no longer need to keep up this journey. You have reached your destination. Go back and tell everyone what you have learned." There really isn't enough room here to write about all the experiences I've had on Salvia- good and weird. I have definitely approached it with different intentions than most, and I do think it isn't for everyone. I think the "Joe Average" psychedelic drugs that would be better for the public would be shrooms and san pedro much like in various cultures. Even where Salvia originates it isn't used by everyone, but mushrooms are.
163. : 2009-03-23 11:08:26
the integration stage has been brought up, and this is very important, some people think that the biggest bang is the most "effective" or even foolishly "most worth", wich is why dmt is seeing its resurgance.
There is something to be said of having an experience stretch out for a number of hours(wich is why oral dosage of salvia probably would be more intresting for me, you can even make salvorinum a blotters if you wish).
Secondly about breaking habituation habits, Dissasosciatives are wierd, yes they all share midly different affinities, BUT, I have seen people who have been addicted to dxm,n2o,muscimol and ketamine, not physicaly, but have a STRONG mental addiction they cannot break, and theres plenty of "pcp addicts" out there and im sure you`ll find people enganged in more exotic affairs, the only reason I bring this up is that its easy to break one addiction with another.
Thirdly Salvia had no integration potential for ME(not you not everyone, but for ME), As I percived it as pretty damn hollow, and it gave me nothing to take back into my life other than "ngngn im a mongoloid now, i see strange things and someone tricking me, they replicated my world" or something like that wich renders the thing "powerfull", sure, but is like wading.
Caduceus. : 2009-03-23 10:19:40
"Ongoing laboratory trials are showing that this miraculous herb could be a remedy for several diseases and mental disorders."

I haven't heard of such trials. I only know that based on the simple fact that salvinorin affects the kapha(1)-opioid recepter it COULD have interesting medical applications. To suggest it has medical applications ("Alzheimer’s, schizophrenia, depression, insomnia, stress, indigestion, and chronic pain") is disinformation.

hmmm. : 2009-03-22 23:06:10
I don't wanna argue but I always learn things. It may not even be during the trip, but during the integration stage. Psychedelics have made me the person I am today.
omgoleus : 2009-03-22 22:04:57
GK: prima facie it appears you did learn something in your drug infancy; if nothing else you learned what learning isn't. Not a small lesson if you ask me...


salvia head. : 2009-03-22 19:31:54
I've had health benefits from Salvia without a doubt, but of a different nature because I've only smoked it. What I'm referring to are the realizations that we are more than we usually percieve, and that is empowering for my mental and emotional health. The negative effects are definitely through abuse, and as such it teaches you so. Therefore Salvia does have the ability to disrupt abusive patterns. I myself have given up Alcohol and tobacco, but without the use of mushrooms and plants, Salvia being one of them. This blurb is unfortunately not based on facts obtained through research, but it is besides the point. The point is that smoking Salvia is not what we should be doing. If anything we should be chewing it, and of course doing it in a safe setting with a sitter. Rehydrate the leaves if possible and chew them. If health benefits are what you are looking for then carry that intention, but if you just want to "trip" look elsewhere.
GK. : 2009-03-22 14:15:40
Teaching properties, heh. The only thing mind blowing heroic type trips ever taught me is where and when to not use drugs. Oh, and tentacles come in some pretty cool colors. In my drug infancy I insisted I was learning something, but was only deluding myself. Those who insist psychedelics are educational are most likely referring to relatively low oral doses with counseling, or are pretty young and naive.
Hey! Wait a minute. . : 2009-03-21 23:34:47
Salvia has plenty of positive qualities. It has teaching properties.
163. : 2009-03-21 20:18:13
hell no salvia isnt in the same class, I mean at least cannabis actually has some posetive life benefits, And lots of negative ones to!
Hmmm. : 2009-03-21 19:40:31
I wonder what kind of health benefits could be obtained by drinking a tea made of yage and salvia.
nice source. : 2009-03-21 18:31:54
A public relations website.
and at the bottom of the page it says written for a website that sells salvia
GK. : 2009-03-21 14:29:45
Sounds specious and a bit too optimistic to me, but at least I'll agree it's in a completely different class than hard drugs... or anything. Hell, it's interesting at best.
Government be warned! Make salvia illegal and I'll start selling DMT to uninformed teenagers again! (just kidding, of course.)

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