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Antibacterial cannabis?

Proof again that God's medicine is good for what ails ya...

Pharmacists and chemists have found another use for the multipurpose cannabis as a source of antibacterial chemicals for multidrug resistant bacteria...

All five cannabinoids (THC, CBD, CBG, CBC, and CBN) were potent against bacteria. Notably, they performed well against bacteria that were known to be multidrug resistant, like the strains of MRSA that plagued U.K. hospitals. CBD and CBG have the most potential for consumer use because they are nonpsychotropic.

When will people learn that psychotropic effects are part of the cure?

Posted By jamesk at 2008-09-02 11:43:52 permalink | comments
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guest : 2010-09-29 22:05:36
what the hell white women jk
Marshall. : 2008-09-03 18:32:52
@ jamesk I'm pretty sure the History channel show your referring to is called 'Hooked: Illegal drugs and how they got that way' or something like that. They had ones for a lot of different drugs like marijuana, cocaine, psychedelics, etc.
I thought it was a really good series it actually convinced my mom that not all the ant-drug propaganda she's heard is true. They still come on the History channel now and then so keep an eye out if your interested in shows like that.
jamesk : 2008-09-03 12:05:38
The "stoned white women" getting hot for minorities was one of the main drivers of prohibition back in the day. It was a scare tactic to drive the opium market out of Chinatown dens filled with manual laborer types and and into patent medicines sold in nice clean bottles by white men. Opium was the Prozac of the time, and the theory was that white women who went to opium dens to cure their ennui would be raped and abused by Chinese or African heathens, so the first drug laws ever were specific to using opium in Chinatown, and many Chinese immigrant families were flat murdered with no trial or due process in order to clear out the opium dens, corner the laudanum market, and protect white women from the sexual voodoo of non-whites. Yeah. Yay America.

There were also many racists ads and articles that claimed smoking pot made blacks and Mexicans want to rape and murder white women. It was all the rage in propaganda back then. I think History Channel has a pretty good special covering this period, though I can't remember what it's called right now.

Troof. : 2008-09-03 11:49:40
This is great, not only do we have new tools to combat MRSA, but we have yet another good reason to get high.

Oh, and JK, Can we get a citation for that study proving stoned white girls flock to minorities? Cuz that sounds a little shady.

Anonymous. : 2008-09-03 07:57:10
"When will people learn that psychotropic effects are part of the cure?"

In defense of the researchers, the psychotropic effects are part and parcel to the cure when working on some types of cures (such as treatments for anxiety or depression). But for something like an antibiotic, they would be an unwanted side-effect. Imagine, for example, if people's blood pressure medicine got them so loaded that they couldn't speak or drive. It could be fun, but it wouldn't be a very good treatment. "Sorry, I can't come to work anymore; my blood pressure is a little high."

guest : 2008-09-03 01:16:46
god's own medicine is morphine
JK. : 2008-09-02 15:46:16
A lot of people apparently associate being high, with immorality, for some reason. I think it might be because white women flock to minorities when they're stoned or something. Since that was proven in the 1930s-40s.
Can't have that in a hospital now, can we?
Adam L. : 2008-09-02 15:13:01
@ James: When it stops scaring them!
organic un-wingclipped queen bees please. : 2008-09-02 12:39:39
Given Manuka honey is amazingly anti-bacterial also, has anyone tried producing honey from bees collecting from cannabis flowers?

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