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Countdown to 2012: The Netherlands are sinking!

No shit: according to a Telegraph article headlined "Dutch prepare for Maya apocalypse," thousands of Dutch are apparently convinced the Netherlands is going to sink into the ocean right around December 21, 2012:

Petra Faile and her husband have bought a life raft and other survival equipment in preparation for Armageddon.

"In another four years it will all be over," she said.

"You know maybe it's really not that bad that the Netherlands will be destroyed. I don't like it here any more."

Mrs Faile said she was concerned that immigration was pushing the Netherlands, a low lying country protected by dikes and sea walls, beneath the waves.

"They keep letting people in. And then we have to build more houses, which makes the Netherlands even heavier. The country will sink even lower, which will make the flooding worse," she said.


Posted By Scotto at 2008-06-29 00:27:40 permalink | comments
Tags: 2012
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Aeon Child. : 2010-05-21 13:50:39
Actually, I confess: It's me. I control it all.

In my own defense, the whole shebang isn't particularly nefarious, and I actually commit no malfeasance. Honestly, I just do it for my own amusement. I guess that makes me a bit of a cosmic schmuck, but at least I'm not particularly mean-spirited.

Munster. : 2010-05-20 17:24:39
To "someone kill that...."

Who are "They"??

The Aliens?

This is nothing but fuel for conspiracy theorists and the likes of you
Come on!! EVERY movement out there has an Apocalypse in their own "bible". Don't you think its weird that every movement think everybody else got it wrong? Its kind of arrogant really.

Didn't they teach you anything about statistics in school? When the chance is 10.000.000:1 you are most likely wrong, in every conceivable way.

Why is it half the world seeks to be conceived from the real truth?

A guy once said to Tom Cruise: YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH! is that it?

Are we that scared of the fact that we are just the result of several coincidences in the evolution of nature and the only real piece on information we know for sure is that we are gonna die?

Lets say, just for kicks, that you are right. Someone are in fact controlling most of the bigger decisions on earth. One man is actually setting up one country up against another, which results in war and he makes a bunch of money somehow.

- What would you do with that kind of information? Go to the media? HA! He controls them. Go to the Police? HA! He owns the them.

If such a man exists, lets call him The Chairman of They, wouldn't you think he would have every person on the planet killed, that had any idea or shred of evidence of his existence?

IMHO if what you say is true, you are already dead! Don't spend any more energy on your future or education - not that I believe these issues has taken up much of your life anyway.

Mortgage your house, take a loan at a loanshark and blow it all off in Vegas, cause tomorrow is most likely your last day on earth anyway. You already know too much.

"Nazi's controlling smoking Bans" So you're not allowed to smoke in the office anymore and you blame the Nazi's.. Its original; I give you that.

Paul. : 2009-04-22 03:19:05
i think she has got it wrong. I still believe something major WILL happen in 2012. Something affecting the whole world
not just holland.
Caduceus. : 2009-02-19 05:52:35
"Thousands of Dutch are apparently convinced..." That's bullshit, typical of this particular newspaper. Indeed thousands of Dutch people are interested in 2012, but only a few hundred buy into the apocalyptic interpretation. I've seen a TV show about that movement. Perhaps fifty to a hundred people, most of them from Belgium, buy into the scaremongering. In the past century there have indeed been hundreds of people predicting the Netherlands will be flooded (on the basis of Nostradamus etc.), but only recently they started projecting that on the 2012 meme.
Marshall. : 2009-02-01 14:25:10
'mr. bimmler'. : 2008-07-06 13:01:25
I try, but the second one remains true. I blame the zionists.
adam l. : 2008-07-01 00:25:47
I like the first paragraph better
someone kill that homunculous mongoloid. : 2008-06-30 06:53:53
They only let Holland have legal coffeeshops in the first place, because of its precarious beneath-sea-level landlie. They figured if they allowed an illusion of freedom to exist there, then if it floods, that's all gone, and they don't have to allow it to exist anyplace else.

And to think if you do history in schools and further/higher education, they'll tell you that the Nazis lost WW2. Doesn't play out like that happened in actual EU reality. The Nazis fucking won and they're the ones doing the smoking bans and the like. The evil aeon-child is behind it all.

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