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PCP making a comeback

The good people in Central Texas have a new visitor to deal with, PCP. Police say its use is on the rise:

PCP, also known as 'Angel dust' and 'Wet' is one of the most dangerous drugs on the market and it's popping up again in Central Texas.

The hallucinogen is known for giving people superhuman strength without any pain and it's extremely dangerous.

"It's definitely a nightmare for police to have to deal with an individual who is acting under the influence," said Sgt. Brad Hunt, with the Temple Police Department.

It's true! This neat little atavistic hallucinogen can turn people violently psychotic after prolonged use, and we here at DoseNation have heard no reports of serious PCP freakouts for the last few years at least. Where has PCP been hiding? Apparently you need to know chemistry and stuff to make it, so it doesn't show up that often(?), but recent busts may indicate that use is on the rise. Does this mean people are finally getting bored of meth?

Authorities said PCP is commonly found hidden in vanilla extract bottles or on cigarettes dipped in the chemical, also called 'wet.' The drug can be lethal if it absorbs through the skin and enter the bloodstream.

The street cost for PCP is estimated at $8,000 per gallon. Possession of even a small amount is a first degree felony.

You gotta love any drug that's sold by the gallon.

Posted By jamesk at 2008-01-11 11:48:52 permalink | comments
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benzyme : 2008-01-12 22:29:14
>>>jimson weed's toxicity is greatly exaggerated

>>not that i'd take it casually

it's not as toxic as say, bz, it's still pretty disorienting. the real dillema: stupid kids who don't research what they're doing, and eat 100+ seeds, then do dangerous things without realizing it. people have killed themselves from datura, not necessarily from the toxicity. the delerium is potentially more dangerous.
some girl at SWT (Tx State U) heard about datura in a human spirituality course, ended up jumping off a balcony at jackson hall (dorms), dead.

yeah, it's not exactly euphoric at all; nasty side effects, those anticholinergics.

TardNarc : 2008-01-12 18:22:44
>kids could start a jimson weed fad and really fuck themselves up,
>if not kill themselves

jimson weed's toxicity is greatly exaggerated

not that i'd take it casually

benzyme : 2008-01-12 16:10:10
yes... a bit of chem knowledge is required to make phencyclidine. grignard reagents with anhydrous solvents. a college students with decent o. chem2 lab knowledge could make dust.
benzyme : 2008-01-12 16:06:22
there are worse things to do. kids could start a jimson weed fad and really fuck themselves up, if not kill themselves
TardNarc : 2008-01-12 15:26:14
>This neat little atavistic hallucinogen can turn people violently
>psychotic after prolonged use

So can K, what's your point?

benzyme : 2008-01-11 16:52:16
ehh, it's not so bad. a hallucinogen it is not. had my bouts with dust in the mid 90's, until I smoked a bad pinner, probably PCC (the toxic intermediate). thouroughly enjoyed the stuff, I would be in utter bliss. I was an unstable teen, but it didn't turn me into a paranoid schizophrenic. It gets a lot of bad press, but this potent sigma-agonist can actually be used to prevent brain damage during a stroke. nothing new.. sernylan has been around since the late 50s. but I agree, it ain't for everyone.
Hybrid : 2008-01-11 15:32:51
Don't do that stuff.

I tried it once, we figured if were going to smoke it, were going to smoke alot, I felt like an angry rock and couldnt sleep for 2 days. My good friend turned manic bi-polar, paranoid schitsophrenic and dilusional from smoking that dust. its no good. unless maybe a stable informed, mentaly strong and aware person wanted to smoke some wet every now and then, thats fine,
but, like Robert Anton wilson said, "Psychedellics seem to make the crazy crazier"

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