I once saw someone swallow a handful of Ecstasy pills as we were leaving a rave that had been busted; later, in the car, the kid gripped my knee with a frozen smile plastered on his face as he rocked back and forth and repeated my name over and over. I always thought that was pretty heroic, until I heard about this wacky story about an undercover police officer in Galway, Ireland:
After drinking heavily for a few months in order to numb his brain cells, to dumb himself down enough not to look out of place in a Galway criminal gang, Sgt Feely was forced to undergo an initiation which saw him take 100 ecstasy tablets.
“The first few were OK,” the garda is said to have told colleagues, “but the last 50 hit me pretty hard.”
The officer apparently wound up taking a week off work with "a stomach ache." The criminal life can be so harsh, so very harsh.