In a pair of stories related by our ongoing study of teen culture, we come to learn something surprising about the girls of our nation: They like to get wasted. In this first hard-hitting story from CBS2 Chicago we learn that more and more girls are exploring a fad called "Binge Drinking," which reportedly gets you really, really drunk. From the report:
"A lot of people in my school were doing it to fit in," said Neff as she recalled her first drink. "You could get drunk and not care what you did. Not care if you hooked up with a guy and ran out in the street naked."
Ah, such abandon is only for the young (get the video version
here). But not to be outdone, KETV Omaha has a rival story about teenage girls and prescription drug abuse, poking an investigative eye into the seamy underbelly of teen girl culture:
"Is there good money in it? Yes, there is," said a 17-year-old from rural Nebraska who said she sold sleeping pills for $10 a piece.
She said demand was high.
"People will take sleeping pills and force themselves to stay awake and kind of makes you hallucinate," she said.
The girl said she was prescribed sleeping pills as she struggled to get off methamphetamine
Using sleeping pills to make you hallucinate is an advanced technique even for a teen, but she got the concept dead on, proving that today's teens are far more savvy about manipulating brain chemistry than previously thought. Next up: Drug screening the SATs to throw out tainted results from Girls Gone Wild on designer nootropics.