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Robot Chicken: Crystar the Crystal Meth Warrior

In this Robot Chicken sketch, a pair of unassuming meth lab chemists meet Crystar the Crystal Meth Warrior!

Via MilkandCookies.

Posted By Scotto at 2007-10-30 08:59:43 permalink | comments
Tags: crystal meth robot chicken

McCain blasts Hillary's earmark for Woodstock museum

From Nowhere Girl: Have you already heard about John McCain attacking Hillary Clinton in his TV spot for her support for the idea of a Woodstock museum? The phrase he used is just lovely: "It was surely a cultural and pharmacological event...". ;) Myself I read about it in a Polish newspaper, but check this story out, in my opinion it's worth reporting.

Posted By jamesk at 2007-10-29 17:39:35 permalink | comments (1)

Amy Winehouse banned from entering US

Following her marijuana arrest in Norway, Amy Winehouse signed a release form that was actually an admission of guilt, thus setting in motion a string of events which has now left her banned from entering the United States. She says she's going to fight the ban, but does anyone want to lay odds she gets into trouble again before she can get this all sorted out?
Posted By jamesk at 2007-10-29 12:07:46 permalink | comments (4)

That's not a drug, it's a leaf

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger downplayed his use of pot in a recent interview by claiming that marijuana is not a drug, but is instead a simple leaf:

Schwarzenegger told the British edition of GQ magazine that he had not taken drugs, even though the former bodybuilder and Hollywood star has acknowledged using marijuana in the 1970s and was shown smoking a joint in the 1977 documentary "Pumping Iron."

"That is not a drug. It's a leaf," Schwarzenegger told GQ. "My drug was pumping iron, trust me."

Of course, Arnold's people say he was only joking, but I don't think the people busted for selling and using leaves in California are all that amused...

Posted By jamesk at 2007-10-29 12:03:57 permalink | comments

Dutch heads rally to save magic mushrooms

The picture says it all, I think.

Gotta love the Dutch.

Posted By jamesk at 2007-10-27 17:14:51 permalink | comments (3)

Classic Sid and Nancy interview

Sid Vicious is the poster child for the punk nihilist generation, but what did he really have to say? This interview shows Sid going on at length about what he was all about. Good thing Nancy is there to translate for him. Note this was NOT from the classic movie "Sid and Nancy", this is actual footage of the legend himself dripping with charsima. Like, wow man.

Posted By jamesk at 2007-10-26 12:07:46 permalink | comments

Colt 45 Malt Liquor commercial

They sure did used to make some weirdass TV commercials, I swear. This is from 1968.

Via MilkandCookies.

Posted By Scotto at 2007-10-26 09:15:18 permalink | comments (2)
Tags: colt 45 commercials

Weird local news story: 'mystical drug' scourge!

According to a very weird local news article published in, the fine people of Adelaide need to be on the lookout for a new "drug scourge," as kids turn their attention away from "hug drugs" and toward - brace yourselves - entheogenic drugs.

There are actually so many weird things about this article, it's hard to know where to start. Let's just go from the beginning, shall we?

DRUG users will move from ecstasy towards hallucinogenic drugs in search of "spiritual enlightenment", Adelaide drug researcher David Caldicott says.

I wasn't sure what qualifies David Caldicott as an expert on this topic, and this article doesn't bother to clarify. Fortunately, Wikipedia seems to have an answer:

Dr. David Caldicott is a research fellow of the Emergency & Trauma Department of the Royal Adelaide Hospital in Adelaide, South Australia. He is the convenor of the OzTox Collaboration, an independent multidisciplinary, hospital-based research group committed to a harm minimisation approach to illicit drug use. He has been an outspoken critic of politicians supporting 'zero-tolerance' and prohibitionist drugs policy, questioning the evidence of their efficacy in preventing morbidity and mortality from illicit substances. He believes that drugs policy should not be guided by moral values, but by interventions known to have an effect on users behaviour. He has advocated a pill testing program in South Australia, as recommended by the 2002 Drugs Summit, but has yet to be granted a license by State Government.

Whew! Okay, sounds reasonable. But let's start digging into the rest of the article:

Dr Caldicott said people use drugs for specific "self-medicating" reasons and those reasons are changing.

He said while more research into shifting drug trends needed to be done, Australian users tended to follow European trends.

In Europe, they are turning off "pills" and tuning in to more "mystical" highs, he said.

People use such "hug drugs" as ecstasy – known as entactogenic drugs – to get a feeling of love and intimacy with others, he said.

Now, more people are looking for a spiritual or religious experience and are turning to such hallucinogenic drugs as LSD or others derived from plants – cacti and mushrooms – which are known as entheogenic drugs.

I would love to believe this is true, but the article doesn't bother to quote a single piece of actual research that backs this up. I certainly haven't come across any clear research that suggests the entirety of Europe is getting tired of Ecstasy; indeed, judging by the sheer volume of Ecstasy busts worldwide on a regular basis, I would say demand is as high as ever. Of course, it's always nice to see a local news article going to the trouble of educating the populace about the terms "entactogenic" and "entheogenic," but this seems like wishful thinking, especially in light of a different local news story I also just ran across which indicates, uh, Australians still like Ecstasy:

Posted By Scotto at 2007-10-26 09:15:10 permalink | comments (5)
Tags: psychedelics australia

Protecting Lebanese hashish

Amidst the deluge of Afghan poppy farmer stories, which always seem to have an unhappy ending for the impoverished farmers trying to make a living, it's nice to see a new twist on this type of story. This time, it's Lebanese hashish farmers instead of Afghan poppy farmers:

Lebanon's anti-drug squad and the handful of soldiers protecting them had an unpleasant surprise last month when they launched an annual raid on fields of ripe hashish in the northern Bekaa Valley. Rather than standing aside meekly while their hashish was ploughed up as in the past, the farmers this year were determined to protect their lucrative crops. "They shot at us with automatic weapons from nearby woods and houses," Colonel Adel Machmouchi, head of Lebanon's Drug Enforcement Bureau, told TIME. "RPGs [rocket-propelled grenades] were exploding above our heads and we had to leave."

This is exactly the type of ingenuity you'd think the Afghans would have picked up on by now.

Posted By Scotto at 2007-10-26 09:15:04 permalink | comments
Tags: hashish

Vodka pills!

via our pals at

I never thought I could overestimate the alcoholism of my friends and family, but the ten cases of booze in my house tell another story. However, I know that somewhere out there, the idea of sugary vodka pellets will excite at least a couple people. A handy how-to just in time for holiday party season.

Posted By HellKatonWheelz at 2007-10-25 13:00:34 permalink | comments
Tags: vodka candy cooking

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