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The man on Salvia has left the building

Doing the improbable because it feels right. And this fine piece of video has over 300 comments on LiveLeak.

[Thanks Seth!]

Posted By jamesk at 2011-07-01 11:48:50 permalink | comments
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gonzoovertheedge. : 2011-07-13 15:30:05
There are several camera flashes, one as he breaks the window, and another as he is in the window. These flashes, and the poor-witted title, suggest it was preemptive.
skepticalofskepticism. : 2011-07-10 22:19:51
My question is, why on earth would someone fake this? What would the motives be? What could they possibly gain from going through all the effort to stage this and not smoke salvia.
jamesk : 2011-07-10 15:18:51
There is a longer version of this video on the internet where we find out the guy is okay, even though it is a second story window. I think it is an actual event, not faked.
ztc. : 2011-07-10 12:19:14
I suspect, if this is actually a real occurrence, that the dude made it out alive. Surely he wouldn't have posted the video otherwise.
Geno. : 2011-07-07 22:20:48
FAKE! But, I will say this. That's some damn fine acting! I know Salvia can cause such a reaction. But as a filmmaker, I can see the forced performance. Why don't we see the rest? The aftermath? The camera is also framed well. They knew exactly what they wanted to do. Kudo's for the movie but this is not a spontaneous freak out.
drugsaredangerous. : 2011-07-06 12:34:53
Some of you seriously think that was fake? It seemed very real to me and similar to many salvia experiences I've had or witnessed (minus falling out of a window.) The uncontrollable laughter and yelling of words that don't make sense followed by someone freaking out. Regardless of whether it was fake or not, this shit happens when a person can't tell if the world around him is real or not. Let this video be an example of why drugs are serious business.
Reyno. : 2011-07-05 05:14:15
Blazing: You are not stable enough for salvia hits and should stop unless u are fuckin trolling
Beow. : 2011-07-04 15:34:01
Twenty seconds....twenty seconds between first inhalation and the uncontrollable noise-making. Plus, the guy is way too careful and hesitant about how he's climbing. And the woman is doing a really bad job of pretending to have meth/stimulant twitches. Fake fake fake fakey fake.
Gwyllm. : 2011-07-03 10:22:32
Either exceptionally stupid, or someone trying to impress. Either way, The Darwin Award Candidate for this week.


Blazing. : 2011-07-03 06:33:32
I'd just like to say as an occasional user of salvia. I often have very unpredictable experiences on this substance. And on at least one occurrence I have been heard voices of some feminine spirit tell me that if I wanted to I could fly. I honestly went to my 9th floor window and considered leaping into the air. But reality had a slightly better hold of me and I chose not to try flying. As crazy as this might sound. It's absolutely true. Without drugs I don't hear those types of voices. Don't discredit the possibility of some mal intentioned extra dimensional beings having a role in this.
teleomorph : 2011-07-02 14:08:58
FAKE!! So fake. And not even funny either because they're just helping the fear-mongering.
In the small chance it might be real, although neither of their reactions seem very salvia-like AT ALL in my experience, I am reminded of the Bill Hicks bit; '''Young man on acid, thought he could fly, jumped out of a building. What a tragedy.' What a dick! Fuck him, he’s an idiot. "
dt. : 2011-07-02 11:47:21
The guy had already made up his mind to act stupid while on Salvia. Why else would he videotape himself while using it? The drug was just an excuse to act like an idiot. Too bad, because this is the stuff bans are made of.
GK-OR : 2011-07-02 10:03:23
Ack, I meant to say driving drunk is more stupid than jumping out a window. At least there aren't two ton gas powered bullets attached to the windows on houses.
GK-OR : 2011-07-02 10:01:29
Many a person has done more destructive and/or downright stupid things while drunk, but universe forbid media outlets get this (jumping out a window is more stupid than driving drunk in my opinion.) They'll milk as much propaganda out of it as that guy likely lost in blood. You'd think people willing to record and post this kind of stuff would know how to respect the substances their taking and have proper safety measures in place (like a sitter and a softer environment like a fenced back yard.) I just don't understand why exponents of unregulated substances would post videos of them damned near killing themselves when they are clearly the ones to blame according to any sensible article, book, or experienced and responsible psychedelic user. This is the kind of crap that makes people compare salvia to PCP without contrasting the two.
Dononamous. : 2011-07-02 09:56:33
For some reason I cannot help but think of Dale pendell talking about the plant ally in a human, man if I was plant spirit I'd need some daylight pronto as well.
suki. : 2011-07-02 06:35:18
TRIP SITTER!!!!!!!!!!!! rule # 1
Beow. : 2011-07-01 21:24:06
I don't know...he came up to that giggle place pretty damn fast, even for Salvia.
Ben. : 2011-07-01 18:39:16
If this doesn't justify the need for a sober sitter, I don't know what does...
primordialstu : 2011-07-01 14:09:19
Use the quid method to titrate dosage of salvia. Use the quid method to titrate dosage of salvia. Use the quid method to titrate dosage of salvia. Smoking that stuff is really not a recreational activity. Chewing a quid is much, much safer, and much more pleasant.
erocx1 : 2011-07-01 13:44:55
Please remain seated and keep your hands and arms inside the ride at all times. Thank you.
woodpanelroom. : 2011-07-01 12:54:23
holy fuck. 300+ comments of "lol" and "fucking moron" and pissing contests between people who think that they're so headstrong that this could never happen to them. but count how many comments were left before anyone bothered to ask if that dude is ok or not. having seen a similar accident that ended in complete tragedy, this just made me cringe and shudder. i guess if i knew that he was alright it wouldn't be such a struggle find the humor in it. but right now i'm just sitting here imagining the horror, for both of them, that ensued as they were coming back.
guest : 2011-07-01 12:26:00
ROFL. Dumbass

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