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UK to be overrun with DMT

Wishful thinking? Maybe not, given the size of this latest bust.

A brain-bending jungle drug is set to become a bigger menace than crystal meth on Britain's streets, it was feared last night.

Border guards have intercepted a record 13 million British pounds sterling haul of DMT - a powerful hallucinogen used by Amazon tribes.

Smokers of the crystals almost immediately suffer intense and often terrifying visions.

Side-effects include paranoia and flashbacks weeks or months later.

The Class-A drug has also been linked to schizophrenia.

It is feared smugglers are now trying to flood the UK - as they have in recent years with deadly methamphetamine, also known as crystal meth.

A senior police source said: "We've never seen quantities of DMT like this. This is clearly the latest drug trend. Dealers have seen big money to be made here."

The UK Border Agency recently intercepted 126 kilos of DMT being smuggled into Britain in 15 parcels from Brazil and Peru. Five found at the postal depot at Coventry Airport were heading for London.

[Thanks Tomas!]

[Editors Note: This story appears to be a tabloid fabrication. No other news articles can be found to support the Sun's claims.]

Posted By jamesk at 2010-10-07 11:53:14 permalink | comments
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Alex. : 2011-06-30 15:03:13
Error. Comparing holy spiritual plants with crystal meth.


Nick. : 2010-12-08 16:56:13
I've actually wrote an official complaint to the Press Complaints Commission over the accuracy of this article, and I've been blogging about it at - unfortunately, i've had to take the correspondence down, due to it currently being investigated, but I may have a chance to write something for potential publication in The Sun with some corrections.

Apart from the obvious tabloid nonsense rife in this article, there are a few things that I specifically pointed out to them to be purposefully misleading toward the public, and therefore vetoing journalistic integrity.

The whole article is here -> [link]

I questioned their Schizophrenia claim, the death of the girl which is misleading represented as DMT playing a major part in her passing, when good ol' H20 was unfortunately to blame here, and the claim that it is linked to deaths around the world. To be honest, I didn't even think to question things like the police quotes, the amounts of the drug found etc.. but, perhaps I should put that forward to them? See if they'll reveal their sources to prove their truthfulness and integrity.

What should be said about DMT, to be published in The Sun, do you guys think?

Nowhere Girl. : 2010-10-17 16:16:54
rob.: are you really surprised?
As I already wrote, the word "visions" was fairly untypical - "hallucinations" sounds much more negative - but still it's quite a standard media report about psychedelics. And in such articles visions have to be "terrifying". Maybe those journalists even know they are writing some verbal pulp, but still they know they have to - the purpose of using such words is to show that nobody could have a reason to be interested in such experiences.
Even more: I can imagine that for some people such words are really honest, for some people the mere thought that reality may not be what they thought it to be - could indeed be terrifying.
I can respect such a standpoint, the only problem is that in the war on consciousness there are no innocent words - courage is called carelessness, curiosity becomes criminal.

My comment is already getting a bit long, so I will yet tell a story about what do some people feel about unknown things. The story goes like this: a little boy was taken from his family by some welfare institution and had to spend whole two years in an orphanage before the institution repaired its mistake. The reason? The boy's mother was a very devout person and was having religious visions. And the most interesting thing: for the authors of almost every single comment it seemed obvious that this woman must be "mentally ill". (An interesting glimpse into this legendary Polish Catholicism. Poland is perceived as so very very Catholic, but - under the provision that forums usually don't represent the whole society very well - those Catholics don't believe a genuine religious experience is possible.)
What does it have to do with psychedelics? For me it shows that we'd better be more humble when saying things like "What would our culture be like if people had access to mystical experiences?" - simply because the average person doesn't seem to have any desire to have such experiences. We - psychonauts and theorists alike, pretty much everyone with a "psychedelic drug orientation" - are a minority. Maybe this fear of the Unknown is inborn, maybe it's purely cultural - but it's a fact that it shapes public views of topics like drugs. No, I'm not saying we should sit in the closet out of respect for the majority's views - but we mustn't forget that our culture can really make people think that a psychedelic experience HAS to be terrifying.

jamesA. : 2010-10-14 19:36:08
to dosenation:
not one comment can i find that supports this misleading article.

Muggles. : 2010-10-12 09:07:51
126 kilos of DMT! shit!
At 50mg a go thats 20 million pipes worth!

What a lod of crap. This really sounds like a made up story.

rob. : 2010-10-10 00:39:46
this is the stupidest article on DMT I've yet to read. for the love of god, do a little research before you further the anti-psychedelic propaganda machine.

the visions are not "suffered" or "terrifying" to most people, unless those people are already afraid of themselves.

people can find meaning in life through DMT

Norvski. : 2010-10-09 11:21:01
Tried it and loved it.... Good clean fun and boy what a journey.... keep it coming.... pweeeeease.
brad. : 2010-10-08 16:06:19
DMT is a naturally occuring neurotransmitter. regardless of the pineal speculation, strassman showed that there are natural levels of dmt in the bloodstream at all times.

a drug by definition i a chemical that mimics the effects of a neurotransmitter, and since DMT IS a neurotransmitter, hence it is NOT a drug. it exists in more living things than it doesnt. by making this substance illegal, EVERY HUMAN BEING ON EARTH IS GUILTY OF POSSESSION AND MUST BE LOCKED AWAY FOREVER.

piss off u limey wankers, keep eating ecstasy cut with meth at raves while eradicating a chemical that could save humanity from nuclear obliteration. DEATH TO THE MEDIA

Nowhere Girl. : 2010-10-08 15:09:46
It's absolutely clear that they are trying to make DMT sound as scary as possible - quite an extreme type of this kind of juornalism - but still they made a very bad pro-drug mistake. ;) "Visions"? No sir, the correct, official, scientific word is "hallucinations".
guest : 2010-10-08 10:54:13
Where can I get some? Seriously.
Jedi Mind Traveler : 2010-10-08 09:46:05
This seems like dis-info and coordinated memetic manipulation of people who are uneducated about DMT.

Anonymous. : 2010-10-08 09:33:58
Three observations.

First, @jane:

"What an idiot this bloke is go on youtube and see what dmt is really used for your pineal gland idiot"


Look, I know that their is a lot of speculation about DMT in the pineal, but it's just that: speculation. In fact, I heard Rick Strassman speak a few weeks ago at CoSM, and he actually apologized to the group for his part in perpetrating the urban myth about DMT and the pineal. That's not to say that he things the speculation is wrong, but he knows it is only speculation (and was quite clear about this in his book, btw), but he knows that he has played a part in having this idea move from speculation to urban myth, and it was for this that he apologized.

Secondly: My guess is that the Sun is conflating "DMT" with the recent interception of ayahuasca being sent to a local Santo Daime group in the UK. It seems they can't (or won't) draw a distinction between ayahuasca and pure DMT, and my guess is that they are doing this to maximize the hysterical impact of their paper.

Lastly, the Sun is well known to be worth less than the paper it is printed on, so this isn't too surprising. Still, the hysteria they generate had an affect on the opinions of he uninformed, so this is a bad thing, even if not unexpected.

Brook. : 2010-10-08 03:37:28
I'm in the process of making some now for first time use... Exciting times :)
Clerk. : 2010-10-08 02:44:07
Want DMT? Google for extraction methods, its fairly easy. The hard part is gettin hold of a source..
Phalaris (Grass) is probably the most common source.. Also check if its still around...
clerk. : 2010-10-08 02:06:32
DMT can be safely extracted from à type of grass called phalaris, Google is your friend. The extraction process is really easy,
Jon. : 2010-10-08 02:02:13
LMAO this article is hysterical. This is got to be a joke! DMT is a not addictive psychedelic and no one who knows anything about it would ever compare it to methamphetamine.
Tomas. : 2010-10-08 01:59:42
It wouldn't surprise me if it this is actually about mimosa rootbark (powder). Gotta love the UK tabloids..
Brent. : 2010-10-08 00:30:11
Retarded reporter? He must have a stick up his umm...
janew. : 2010-10-08 00:09:58
So sad it was found and confiscated. More people need to know about DMT and understand it.
guest : 2010-10-07 23:59:21
My dreams come true!! I would love to see a mass culture influenced by DMT!!! And with 2012 approaching, the timing couldnt be better. KEEP BRINGING THE DMT!!!!!!
jorge reyes. : 2010-10-07 22:51:31
This article is absolutely ridiculously incorrect.
timfbmx. : 2010-10-07 22:23:32
Whoever wrote this article is spreading propaganda. DMT can do a lot of good things for people.
Nashville . : 2010-10-07 22:15:05
I haven't been on a trip yet cause I haven't found any, people here just raise one eyebrow when I ask about It. I would chemically create it if I could find a real reputable recipe. And seed canary grass seems questionable at every site I go to
kdalt. : 2010-10-07 22:14:06
I love trips!!!
Fart Boss. : 2010-10-07 22:13:10
you're gonna get raped by aliens!!!
DVNT_ONER. : 2010-10-07 21:19:50
Good. DMT opens the mind to to a consciousness otherwise unattainable. It also serves to shatter the minds of the weak.
Shaman. : 2010-10-07 21:09:24
Paranoia? Flashbacks? They have no Idea what DMT is and are just trying to make it sound terrible. It can be an enlightening experience.
eargue . : 2010-10-07 21:04:17
the masses are upgrading their drugs.. mdma, dmt, marijuana, mushrooms all soul cleansing, spiritual awakening drugs... dmt is more illegal than heroin, why do you think that is? not because its more dangerous but because it opens your mind... read up on it and see what it is before you classify it as unsafe..
tonx : 2010-10-07 21:02:35
"13 million British pounds sterling haul" and what exactly is the _street value_ of DMT that they used to calculate that?
james. : 2010-10-07 20:44:27
Is this article serious comparing CRYSTAL METH to DMT?!?? Educate yourself fool!
Trent. : 2010-10-07 20:35:08
The police better hope British citizens don't figure out they can make the stuff themselves with phalaris grass and a chemistry set.
Big Daddy. : 2010-10-07 20:31:34
Whoever wrote this article doesn't know anything about DMT. It's absolutely nothing like Meth and those experiencing "terrifying visions" were nowhere near ready for a life-changing experience. Work your way up.
LMAOrcao. : 2010-10-07 20:20:53
LOL thats fucking hilarious
Jane. : 2010-10-07 20:11:01
What an idiot this bloke is go on youtube and see what dmt is really used for your pineal gland idiot
Joe Rogan. : 2010-10-07 20:09:44
I love this stuff!
jamesk : 2010-10-07 16:11:52
I'm not sure this is a real news story or just tabloid sensationalism. Either way it is funny as hell.
yadda_yadda. : 2010-10-07 15:20:05
Is there any other news source for this? I couldnt find any other on google news than the one from he "The Sun" . It may be that it's ayahuasca instead of DMT and The Sun or the police (or both) try to blow up the story. ...wouldn't be the first time a story is blown out of proportions...
guest : 2010-10-07 14:53:41
Somebody has a bad business plan. What part of "non-habit forming" do you think they didn't understand?
shufflelot. : 2010-10-07 13:27:21
It still seems surprising how little the authorities really understand these different substances. Sure, flood the UK, but DMT's never going to be like methamphetamine, at least compare it to salvia or something!
jay. : 2010-10-07 12:49:40
This exactly what the doctor ordered. We need more tryptamines circulating.
benza. : 2010-10-07 12:38:47
lol who wrote this article? XD

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