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Memo: LSD does not power personal flight

You'd think in today's modern age that people would all just inherently know by now that you can't fly when you take acid. Apparently not, however:

A man who told police he unknowingly ate food containing LSD fell from the roof of the Phoenix Theater in downtown Petaluma early Sunday morning, police said today.

The 19-year-old man fell about 25 feet from an upper roof to a lower roof, Lt. Tim Lyons said. He suffered a broken back and other injuries and was taken to Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital....

"He was lying down when we found him but he jumped right up and was walking around," [Phoneix Theater manager Tom] Gaffey said. "We didn't find any clothes on the roof. He must have gotten naked downtown. We're still trying to piece this together."

Hmm, piece something else together while you're at it: how does a guy with a broken back jump right up and walk around?

[via tonx]

Posted By Scotto at 2010-02-02 23:12:45 permalink | comments
Tags: wtf
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phisherman. : 2010-02-08 19:35:54
Nowheregirl, "that take off the ground phrase" you're referring to came from Bill Hicks. He's not anti drug though, he was pissed that people like that have to ruin things for everyone else
Nowhere Girl. : 2010-02-08 06:20:43
By the way, I recall some Norwegian anti-drug comic with a very funny phrase: "If you believe you can fly, try to take off from the ground". Just another clever memo to careless trippers...
And as for the young men argument... I admit to a certain amount of distrust for men (the funny thing being that men have luckily never been interested in me, but I've experienced some rather brazen flirting from a woman... still I trust women more), but I definitely don't think ALL men are silly creatures thinking with their... Y chromosomes. ;) But anyway - young men are clearly the group responsible for most of risky drug-taking. Of course there are responsible young men, but the stereotype of such guys "getting fucked up" and doing all sorts of dumb things isn't completely ungrounded.
Anonymmous. : 2010-02-04 14:17:49
"G. Romant, you have temporarily gained my undivided attention by your ridiculous argument. As a young man myself (21), and having taken numerous psychedelics multiple times, I can tell you that I have done nothing but gained personal benefit from them. Without the influence of these substances, I would not be in the same state of personal achievement and fulfillment as I am now."

You're committing a logical fallacy here (probably best described as proof by example. "I do not do horribly silly things, and I am a young man, therefore young men don't do horribly silly things." The original poster never claimed that all young people behave irresponsibly, and offering a counter-example to an argument that wasn't made really does nothing.

Harm reduction is a grey area with few black-and-whites. One needs to look at risks, probabilities, general tendencies, etc. Take, for example, drunk driving. Drunk driving isn't safe because I drove drunk once and nothing happened; if you look at it statistically, there is a higher incidence of bad outcomes when people are drunk than then they're sober. Our thinking on drunk driving needs to reflect that fact.

"Furthermore, you assume that "we all know" about these "young guys who wig out"... I can assure you, the majority of guys who take it, at least by my personal knowledge, are perfectly fine and in control."

OK. You're speaking of probabilities here, so we're getting closer. What kind of majority? 51%? 55%? 95%?

I don't think "young people wig out" and "all young people wig out" are the same statement.

"Sure, some teenagers will still do stupid things. They always will. Prohibition doesn't prevent that. It just prevents them from getting the knowledge they need to take psychedelics more wisely."

Funny thing. You characterize the original poster's argument as "ridiculous," but you do realize, don't you, that this was his argument? You've rephrased it, but this was precisely the point he was trying to make.

I think you've taken the original post too personally. It wasn't about you.

Aya. : 2010-02-04 02:23:54
G. Romant, you have temporarily gained my undivided attention by your ridiculous argument. As a young man myself (21), and having taken numerous psychedelics multiple times, I can tell you that I have done nothing but gained personal benefit from them. Without the influence of these substances, I would not be in the same state of personal achievement and fulfillment as I am now.

Sure, I've taken risks while under the influence of psychedelics or strong weed which I probably would have normally avoided. But whether or not I die because of my personal risks, in which I am harming no one, is for no one to rightfully prevent.

Furthermore, you assume that "we all know" about these "young guys who wig out"... I can assure you, the majority of guys who take it, at least by my personal knowledge, are perfectly fine and in control. The main category I have seen flip out the most on psychedelics is college-age girls... taking various substances, thinking they're going crazy, and becoming paranoid and essentially schizophrenic.

If acid were legal, the social structure necessary for a safe trip environment would quickly be established, with centers and trip getaway locations for safety and comfort. Sure, some teenagers will still do stupid things. They always will. Prohibition doesn't prevent that. It just prevents them from getting the knowledge they need to take psychedelics more wisely.

dreamdust. : 2010-02-03 16:02:10
I live in the town next door, and the newspapers are always trying to find a way to demonize the Phoenix theatre because it caters to all-ages shows, punk shows, raves, metal shows, etc.

I would be highly suspect of any of the "facts" presented by the article. They've been trying to shut this place down for years. I doubt anybody slipped LSD into food that apparently only affected one person.

primordialstu : 2010-02-03 15:04:26
First of all, it's unproven if there was even acid involved. Naked flying dude is probably not an accurate media source.

But if it were psychedelics involved, one would hope that if LSD were legalized, it could be separated from more obviously recreational drugs. And perhaps good information would be more available, too, including basic concepts of set and setting.

Jackie. : 2010-02-03 14:44:24
hmm that story sound more like a PCP incident to me...
dononamous. : 2010-02-03 12:02:57
I remember when younger hearing about a guy on a high dose of mushrooms say that he thought he became the rabbit from alice and wonderland and Jumped from a second story balcony crashing and clinging into the branches of a tree
Anonymous. : 2010-02-03 11:01:11
You raise an interesting point, but I don't think it's really tied to acid. The bottom line is that we're all pretty silly when we're younger, and it's a bit of a miracle that we survive to maturity at all. Like driving a car, taking a strong psychedelic (especially under less than ideal circumstances) is a big responsibility that requires, well, a sense of responsibility.
I think back to by own childhood/young adulthood and I think "whoa! I was pretty lucky!"

The bottom line is that kids will be kids, we have to accept that and then try to come up with harm reduction strategies that admit this. I think just about anyone who has thought about it agrees (as I'm sure you do) that the current prohibitionist stance is so not in line with this strategy that it isn't funny. I don't think society is poised to even begin "to talk!"

G. Romant. : 2010-02-03 02:17:41
This article touches on a much deeper question: Do young men and psychedelics really mix? Sure I'm against drug prohibition but I always come back to the essential problem of young guys wigging out. You all know what I'm talking about and many have seen this first hand. There needs to be a dialogue about it. It's true that prohibition exacerbates an already volatile situation but it seems that even if acid were legal there would be nude 20 year-olds tearing down the central drag of any town usa to uncertain ends, taking god knows who with them. Can we talk?

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