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Alex Grey's portrait of Obama

This appeared recently on Alex Grey's web site and is getting twittered and passed about the Interwebs. I was pretty startled (in a "I'm really not sure what I think about that" sort of way) by this image when I first saw it - what's your reaction?
Posted By Scotto at 2008-11-09 20:09:35 permalink | comments
Tags: alex grey barack obama
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EnlightenedMinion. : 2013-07-19 08:35:26
Yall are spreading hateful thing about people you really don't even know. His artwork obviously represents something yall don't grasp of cant handle. Dumb people spreading negativity against someone with creative power spreading love and compassion. Disgusting
druga. : 2013-06-06 09:55:44
Alex Grey is a delusional cult leader who paints portraits of fantasy, like a benevolent Obama, or drugs that make you enlightened. He specializes in science fiction bullshit, so this painting should be no surprise.
Beyonce. : 2013-06-05 09:47:42
It IS an Antichrist piece of trash. And Grey is clearly a Genius; but this painting symbolizes his delusion. He should be criticized by his cult, but instead he probably Herded them All to Vote for Him - TWICE!. pathetic. Grey has not since posted any Explanation of this propaganda JOKE-art. He still supports it and explains he did it as an Obama- fanboy.
Delusion. LSD induced delusion.
TheTrutWriter. : 2013-06-02 22:26:33
Is THIS??? really painted by Alex Grey? Please say "No, you are so damn stupid, it´s a fake, he never would do this...." ????? If this is not a really heavy joke or a test (if the people are now totally insane to like that) then the spiritual feeling is LOST. Most people didn´t have but if A. Grey paints Obamas stupid grin with a globus on his head and some "wtf it doesn´t matter I was only a painter on LSD but didn´t understood what I draw but if I put some lines and shines and puke pieces here and there, it will work" trash on it then PLEASE Alex, can you make me a golg glitter unicorn with shining diarrhea and blinking led-lamps as a firework or stars, doesn´t matter and please, the unicorn needs a button to push and then you can listen to Milly Vanilly. I think that makes it complete. And sign it with "My favorite color is skincolor and transparant. The world is either in Obamas front cup or in a back ass ALL IS ONE"
omg. : 2013-05-22 11:17:14
Seems the copy-cat of Pavel Tchelitchew's art has shown what a bad artist he really is. His paintings are flat-formula driven neon signs of non-significance. His greatest accomplishment is spawning hundreds of alex-grey wanna be painters who copy the copy-cat. His mission in life is too be the High Priest of Entheogens with a Chapel built to worship him and his art... This is arrogance in the disguise of a soft-spoken package passing himself off as a self-less servant of Spirit as he accumulates more and more cash and filling law suits against others that re-sell his posters legally... I have had it up-to-here with this new age phoney and his followers...
Anonymous. : 2011-05-18 05:37:32
"Obviously, he is a "blue blood" which means he's of the blood line families
(see David Icke). If you google "freeman Obama clone" you will read all about
that guys theories that Obama is actually the clone of an Egyptian pharoah."

I'll have what he's having.

Mike. : 2011-05-16 20:36:40
Obviously, he is a "blue blood" which means he's of the blood line families (see David Icke). If you google "freeman Obama clone" you will read all about that guys theories that Obama is actually the clone of an Egyptian pharoah. Don't laugh till you see it. What's on his mind? The whole world. Global Government (ie global totalitarian fascist dictatorship).
cassie. : 2011-02-10 20:39:11
i love your art they really show whats lifes about
Naw. : 2010-12-24 08:38:16
Great paining, the world needs a dear leader who will show us the way into a glorious future.
American Americanism. : 2010-12-07 15:11:57
He might as well paint George W. Bush i.e Bush II. Bush II is not as eloquent as Obama(TM) is, that is true, but they Obama and Bush have approximately same policies, especially when it comes to invading other countries and destroying them with violence. And Alex Grey comments, on his webpage about "leadership" are stunning, well, maybe Bill O'Rielly hacked his webpage, who knows...
Chris. : 2010-02-20 02:19:59
an, sigh, crap. I absolutely loved Alex Grey and he has been an inspiration to me until I saw this painting. As consciously aware and spiritually advanced he is, he sure is a stupid brainwashed Liberal retard. Maybe too much DMT and psilocybin does get to you.

You would think that enough enlightenment would enable you to figure out that all men who hold positioms of social power are only the puppets of those who do their deeds in the shadows, as only good deeds are done in daylight while Obama, Bush and every other elected official hides behind closed doors and reveals to the public what they wish.

Talia. : 2010-02-13 17:41:13
This isn't the original!!

The original features American-flag like stars and stripes in the background. Also different red energy 'veins'. I don't think Alex Grey is mindlessly approaching Obama's image at all. Maybe it has more to do with the energy and charisma that Obama seems to possess. You really can't deny that he is well-spoken and there just seems to be something warm in his image.

You may believe this to be a true feeling or a political ploy, but it's no less that he is our leader now and very much integrated into the world as the U.S. President, so this painting is relevant.

That being said, it's not a personal favorite, but it's not the end of Alex Grey very dramatic...

Brian. : 2010-02-12 16:50:39
Alex Grey lost the plot completely doing this. Obama represents nothing new, sorry. Want to really revolutionize this country? Well, it's not going to happen voting for yet another corporate/military puppet. Grey fashions himself as a visionary artist: he's not. I'm really glad to see that I'm not the only person bummed out by this.
Im Trying. : 2010-01-27 13:06:42
What the hell ......... Nooooo
maxims. : 2009-12-01 15:40:55
This is not the original Alex Gray's portrait!!!
J.. : 2009-10-27 13:35:26
This is the coolest picture ever. I'm a huge fan of Alex Grey as an artist and his life vision. As a Jungian psychotherapist, I see this picture as a true statement of President Obama! Wonderful!
An Ordinary Person. : 2009-07-19 02:39:21
If I hear the word "puppet" or any vaguely quoted, though semi intelligent and seemingly factual, but out of context Zeitgeist/Alex Jones "the global bankers" "the hidden agenda" slangism...

I am going to shit illuminati inscribed psychedelic super strings through my ears@!&()(*@#%!!!!!!!!!!1

Do more research instead of propogating reactionary youtube memes your Ron Paul friend got you into..

The tone of much of this wayy overly PREDICTABLE. Its tiring folks.

Oh yeah, by the way it should be thought as Individualism THROUGH Collectivism.

There are no such things as isolated individuals if you carry out your questioning and reasoning and senses of who you are thoroughly. A figure always needs a background to be seen.

Other wise, with one battling to extinguish the other all you get is Ayn Rand greedy Bush corpo-capitalism, which is what has been working so great now leading us through its current death, collapse, backrupt and crisis phase! With the other extreme option of straight robot communism.. This is what the so called paradigm shift is about, complementary Unity over dominating dualisms. Opposites work together, thats why we have sex! This what this says to me, opposites working together and boundries dissolving. Art and Politics...

I think this may simply be Alex's way of reminding Obama, and the people, whoever you are as long as you have bones, viens, and a brain, that we have to live up a true mature worldcentric leadership and vision the best we can (even if you think both of these people are just vague shadows and kitsch images of the true ideals they promote) are those ideals REALLY attainable in the immature ways we infer that they are by the harsh criticism of positive support out of a base notion of fear? Get over it.

As another said: "They're just people."

J.Riz. : 2009-06-17 21:12:17
I feel Utter disappointment...I'm speechless, kind of like Obama w/out a teleprompter. Alex, please tell me this a a great big joke, I feel like I'm in the book 1984 with this protagonist nature from people I used to respect...Sheppard Fairey (Founder of Obey) also disappointed me...Talk about being brainwashed.
goat-boy. : 2009-06-17 11:59:13
I'm truly speechless. I understand that Obama may be a wonderful person, though considered a puppet, he is still an individual and a human being, but what i don't understand is the patriotic feel with the red,white & blue colors. That's a little vague.
Astral Travler. : 2009-06-05 01:21:48
Obama is a puppet, but I respect alex's opinion on it. However what disgusts me about it is the completed version on the website where the american stars and stripes are in the back round. This is crap. Alex was probaly drunk when he did it, or in some similar "lesser" state.
You know Alex's color scheme has always been odd to me. Too much orange in most of them. Even though the designs have always been amazing. But it's interesting, how everyone has a different opinion about everything.
Jill. : 2009-04-14 12:25:37
I first saw this while browsing through a bookstore. At first glance it registered as "tacky Obama propaganda art" but then did a double-take when I realized who the artist was. When I got home I googled "Alex Grey Obama Disappointed!" and landed here where I was thankfully able to do a reality check. I'm not the only one who thinks something is wrong with this picture!

I went to Mr. Grey's website to read his interpretation of this piece (after all the meaning of art is in the eye of the beholder...maybe he intended to send out a different message?) No such luck. My disappointment stands. He's case-in-point that mind control is a powerful drug. For someone I had regarded as a visionary artist, he can't see past the packaged & branded product that is Barack Obama. One particular statement made me throw up my hands altogether:

"...his heartful clarity coming through in his talks are all qualities of a highly evolved person..."

OMG!!! They are qualities of a person who travels with a teleprompter to every speaking engagement large or small!! Listen to him speak without a prepared speech in front of his face and he stumbles worse than Bush! Is Alex Grey really that gullible?

Many people who I thought SHOULD know better have disappointed me. Alex Grey is one of them. I expect stuff like this from Shill.i.Am & Company.

Oh well...

awake & ready. : 2009-03-29 12:05:03
I love you alex, but for the life of me, I can't believe you would paint the PUPPET.
Wake up and SMELL THE END people. It's NOT about who's president, THEY'RE ALL PUPPETS.
It's like changing the hood ornament on a car with a blown motor, and then thinking it's gonna work just fine.
It's the corruption behind them that's hijacked our country. Bilderberg Group, Tri- lateral Commision, Council on foriegn relations. The Bankers... Big Business. Come ON PEOPLE!
Turn off Fox News, and TURN ON YOUR BRAIN! Think for yourself! FREE THINKERS ARE DANGEROUS!
I can't believe Alex would fall into this facade.... as wise as you are Mr. Grey .... surely you can see through the bs veil of disinformation, deception, and distraction.
If you want anymore proof. go here. [link]
It's time people, get your guns ready (before they take those too) It's time to take back what's ours.
"I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every
form of tyranny over the mind of man." --Thomas Jefferson
Keya. : 2009-03-20 04:06:23
Continued from last comment, my computer froze - As I was saying..Wasting your time bashing Alex is not what will help. Try signing some petitions, let Obama and your Senators know what you want. It may be more effective than bitching about things. But I suppose it's easier to complain and be angry for most people than put the effort into actually doing something. Change takes effort and work, it's not just something that happens in your mind but in your heart and actions and for those of you who have taken any mind altering natural substances in a sacred way, you should be well aware of this fact. Pray for Peace, Work for Peace, Live for Peace! Be the Peace you want to see!
Keya. : 2009-03-20 03:55:35
How about instead of complaining and whining, we use our energy to support change in some form? Obama at least represents something new and different than what we have had the last 8 years. Can you imagine if McCain had won? Would he be dealing with this any better? Also keep in mind that we should be focused on why the rich and weathly have had it so easy and the country is falling apart because of the greed caused by those who are far more selfish than Obama. And by the way, Alex can express whatever he likes with his art. Is he not allowed to have an opinion about anything other than visionary art. Maybe he had a vision in a "psychedelic experience" that brought him to his conclusion, who knows but at least he is being hopeful and positive in some way. All of the negativity you all have is part of the problem in this country. Wasting your tim
Babylon Down. : 2009-03-05 14:41:02
Sri Mahalingam: That is one of the most unintelligent responses I could ever imagine hearing.

"Rastafarians turned Haile Salassie into a living god and now they have a religious excuse to smoke ganja"

This comment is so off base and simple minded. True, Rastafarian's believe of the herb as a sacrament but no different from Catholicism believing communal wine as a sacrament. I think you would find a tough time finding supporters that say that is a religious excuse to drink wine.

A comment such as that is demeaning to an entire community of the world's population, is bigotry at it's most basic level, and is stupidity at it's greatest

Perhaps you should join the world in elevating your consciousness and evolving like our species was meant to do...


hortencia. : 2009-02-24 23:58:45
None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free. And none are more blissfully ignorant than the Obama zombies. Im usually more than impressed with Alex Greys work, but Im not suprised with his political display. Unfortunately much of the new age/eastern mysticism movement has been perpetuated by the corrupt elite, due to their well hidden interest in the ancient mystery schools. They put forth propaganda that furthers their agenda for one world government, one world currency and one world religion( which is really just an intertwining of all religions, hence Greys infusion of most religious icons and symbols). Google video: Eye of the pheonix to learn more. As far as Obama goes -by their deeds you shall know them- And so far the only change I see coming our way is our full emergence into the New World Order. They needed this false mask of "change" in order to get people to trust their government again. People need to realize most presidents are just puppets and dont make any actual decisions( the Federal Reserve has more power than the Executive Branch) Remember power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely- now matter how consciously aware you are.
Ev. : 2009-02-18 09:11:06
With the level of skill and devotion, as well as detail depicted in Alex Greys oil paintings, its hard to say anything except words of praise and blessings to this mans work.
IYADEDE. : 2009-02-02 15:05:14
Jon Asher. : 2009-01-12 05:55:44
I lost a lot of respect for Alex Grey after seeing this. I thought someone as seemingly enlightened as Alex Grey would see through this Smiley Glad-Hand with a Hidden Agenda. I hope that the band Tool doesnt support Obama, as two of my other favorite musicians, Michael Franti and Ben Harper do.
Artist Alvarez 210, TX. : 2009-01-10 00:27:29
Alex Grey, I thought you were a deep man. This is your worst art. For all that spiritual awakening you preach, you ruin, stab me in the heart with this art. I hope you realize this person is nothing but a sock puppet, talking head for elite, globalist bankers that want to see humanity enslaved in credit debts, than reach our true potential. Shame on you Alex Grey. Obama is clearly a front man. How dare you promote this vile, brain washed, manchurian candidate. This is truly disappointing. You are no longer the spiritual artist I once thought you could be. Until you come to your senses, your image now is tainted in blindness.
Chubbi. : 2008-11-28 11:44:07
This is not the completed painting. Check out Grey's website for the real deal.
Kevo. : 2008-11-24 20:20:33
Alex grey has painted from a humanistic perspective. hes painted many figures of world or spiritual signifigance, The Humanistic perspective is merely going to show the good, not the bad, its mean to be and is one sided. Its more about positive attitude and outlook.
many of what hes painted are from the same persective although the figures are conflicting. There is truth and good In EVERYONE, Thats what I feel hes painting here.
Its not promoting the obama campaign, Its promoting the positive in a great man. And teh positive in his declared intentions.
What else can u do? WE can only judge one for what they have done, not for speculation of what they plan to do. And honestly who are we to judge at all.
Blaine. : 2008-11-21 20:32:39
Anyone else think it is just a bad painting aesthetically? Maybe Alex just likes Obama and wanted to do what he could to support him. However, this seems like a "sketch" of a painting compared to his other work. I wouldn't get too excited about it.
elizabethh. : 2008-11-21 16:49:07
to Man: completely agreed. i am extremely surprised to see that alex grey has actually bought into the obama-will-bring-change bandwagon.

knowing what's to come from obama, this painting is a real let-down. i'm pretty ashamed...

maybe if alex grey had painted someone like ron paul in this context...

Anonymous. : 2008-11-12 13:56:17
"It seems to me that most of the criticism of this portrait comes from contextual dissonance. Alex Grey paints portraits of ego transcendence, and politics is the epitome of ego inflation."

I agree, and in a way that makes the painting interesting. Ignoring stylistic, artistic, or other critiques (which others seem happy to carry out), the painting could be seen as the answer to a question: "What would a 'visionary' artist produce is asked to do a political poster?" It's interesting in the same way that an answer to "How would Rembrandt paint Micky Mouse?" This isn't to liken Grey to Rembrandt or Obama to Mickey, but I think you all get the point. Hell, Andy W. made a carrier out of answering the question "what would a graphic illustrator produce is asked to make 'fine' art?"

I think people need to relax on this a bit. Sure, Mr. Grey is a fine artist, but you can't expect everything he does to be of the same quality, and I would refrain from reading too much into the painting or his motivations.

No one -- neither Grey nor Obama -- is as sacrosanct as some seem to see. I think some of the passion in these comments come from the fact that some people have elevated either or both a little too much... They're just people.

francis mcclean. : 2008-11-12 12:36:52
yeah, alex, always been a big fan of your talent, but what, exactly, are you actually trying to convey in this painting?
Sweejak. : 2008-11-12 12:17:42
In a few years these glorifications of a politician will be used as examples of the World's, not only America's, ability to place hope above reason. Old story.
jamesk : 2008-11-12 11:21:28
It seems to me that most of the criticism of this portrait comes from contextual dissonance. Alex Grey paints portraits of ego transcendence, and politics is the epitome of ego inflation. Combining the ego of the politician with the meme of transcendence dates back to before the Enlightenment when kings and political leaders were assumed to be anointed by the grace of God. Due to thousands of years of exalted leaders spreading religious warfare across Europe and the Middle East it is no surprise this concept rubs some people the wrong way; we are still engaged in religious warfare in the Middle East hoping a transcendent leader will save us. Anyone holding their breath?

Lastly, it seems to me that this portrait will have more impact in a historical sense then for the current generation. Hundreds of years from now someone will see this painting and think, "Wow, Obama must have been the Jesus and the Buddha of his time."

consciousbeing. : 2008-11-12 01:53:16
I believe with this painting Alex was trying to portray the global transformative moment that Barack Obama being elected was. I believe the only thing absurd about this is that so few recognize this and the subsequent negativity and cynicism some of you are displaying. While I realize many are skeptical and will always think for yourself and question authority as you should, I am still scratching my head wondering how in this community it seems so few picked up on the sprit of hope that swept across the globe just over a week ago today. Unlike religion or any type of anti-Christ Barack is not asking you to put your blind trust or “hope” in him but instead put your hope in yourself, in your community, in your country….

“What began twenty-one months ago in the depths of winter must not end on this autumn night. This victory alone is not the change we seek -- it is only the chance for us to make that change. And that cannot happen if we go back to the way things were. It cannot happen without you.

So let us summon a new spirit of patriotism; of service and responsibility where each of us resolves to pitch in and work harder and look after not only ourselves, but each other. Let us remember that if this financial crisis taught us anything, it's that we cannot have a thriving Wall Street while Main Street suffers -- in this country, we rise or fall as one nation; as one people.” - Barack Obama

Watch his victory speech in its entirety, without your preconceived notions and not be moved, not fell something in your consciousness stir….


_Bark. : 2008-11-11 19:59:16
What? Why? Damn... What the hell, alex grey?
Selective Agonist. : 2008-11-11 17:54:02
I do not agree that the finished painting is better - I think the stars make him look like an ice cream novelty.
Sheldon. : 2008-11-11 13:51:29
fair enough, the finished piece is definitely better, though there's a lot of tentativeness in the eyes, but maybe it's honesty and searching. he's sure got a megafuckton of expectation on his shoulders, wayyyyy not a job i'd want.
ryan. : 2008-11-11 12:30:05
it should be noted that this example is not the finished product, the finished painting can be found at
Selective Agonist. : 2008-11-10 17:28:36
My mind doesn't quite know where to land. A few words spring to mind: trite, cliche, sanctimonious, obvious, shallow. The red-white-blue motif is totally amateurish. I'd expect to see this hanging in a high school art classroom, if there still are such things.
bill. : 2008-11-10 15:04:57
lol NaFun! the internet is sucking some of the novelty out of psychedelia maybe. we can all recognize an alex grey. it's maybe not a knock on him, though, that's just how he sees stuff.

but the expression on obama's face is bringing things down to earth more than typical alex grey, i think. i guess he's not gonna suddenly switch to cubism on us or something, just for obama's sake. i do sort of see a psychonaut dipping his toes in the aspirations of the sheeple (instead of kicking them), at least.

NaFun : 2008-11-10 13:52:01
Alex's Sacred Mirrors and other works are very striking. He always rode the line of being too woo-woo but you got the feeling that he 'got it' anyway, and gave the woo-woo a pass. After a while one could no longer ignore the woo. Now it seems he just gave Obama the formulaic Alex Grey treatment. "Weird veiny lines? Check! Aura, with some stuff that looks like fire? Check! Thing in place of a third eye with stuff coming out of it like a sun? Check!"

Nowhere Girl. : 2008-11-10 11:51:27
Let's wait what Obama does in terms of drug policy. Later we can discuss whether there's anything to glorify.
Myself, I'm happy that the USA will finally have an African American president. But I doubt if he will - and if he even can - do much about the drug war. It doesn't depend only on the President, there are powerful lobbies who want this war to go on. The only hope is a change in mentality first.
kyle-texas. : 2008-11-10 11:46:44
very disturbing....
bill. : 2008-11-10 11:28:31
seeing a famous person's face dominating a psychedlic sort of message/symbol--i don't know, i wouldn't hang this in the dining room or anything. but when i just look at it here on the screen (and forget about its place among all the other images of obama i've been bombarded with), i think the painting does a pretty good job of communicating a certain calmness/good-humored-acceptance-of-an-often-uncomfortable-world-of change-and-mystery, and can kind of vibrate between "is the world driving him?" or "is he just thinking about the world?"

anyhow, something like that. i think the picture is communicating something pretty well, and it's worth more than any amount of words i might try to connect with hyphens.

it's hard to look at a political image and not be cynical, but it's worth a shot sometimes, i think. maybe obama cares about the world as much as people posting on dose nation, right? i can understand alex grey wanting to suggest there's a spiritual element there, anyhow.

but yeah, for all the work alex grey put into it, i still wouldn't want to look at this image TOO much.

guest : 2008-11-10 11:18:12
If there is a god, then everyone is god. No less Obama.
guest : 2008-11-10 11:17:09
My reaction is somewhere between intense disappointment (in Alex Grey) and baffled confusion. I agree with what everyone has said so far in this thread, especially John and Man. I really respected Grey's mission so I hope this doesn't ruin my day. Did you notice the aura is red white & blue?

I don't have time to rant about this corporatist politician this morning, nor his Mr. Drug War VP. I just wonder if I will be able to avoid saying "i told you so" a hundred times over again in the coming years.

America still has some serious waking up to do. The degree to which we have been had, hoaxed, swindled, bamboozled and brain-washed by the propaganda machine's two-party system and the hyper-rich banking cartel that runs it and the petrol-pharmaceutical-military industrial complex, is going to blow the lid off the minds of all the sheeple who think the change is going to come from B.H.O. and not US.

Sheldon. : 2008-11-10 09:17:26
do over. Alex has gotten so slack, everybody telling him how awesome he is. His technique has actually never been all that tight if you look at the real paintings at all closely, but this is just sloppy. Terrible rendition, doesn't capture his honeypot presence at all, and the blue veins are just weird. And while I agree that policy wise he's a huge mediocrity, or worse, do not underestimate the power of his vibe. I honestly think that's one of the most important things in a president, and he has it like nobody since Kennedy. I just hope no Secret Service guys get bought off or we're gonna be looking at that mega-douche Biden, ewwwwww.
Jimmy Joe Johannassen. : 2008-11-10 08:19:29
And another thing, if Grey is so spiritual, why is he trying to immortalize some politician? To me, this goes against the grain of the psychedelic experience. At least my experience.
Jimmy Joe Johannassen. : 2008-11-10 08:04:05
It strikes me as somewhat antichrist.
John. : 2008-11-10 07:34:40
I really think the left will be disappointed by Obama. They have allowed their hatred of Bush to lead them into this messiah complex, and Obama is shrewd enough to allow people to think he is whatever they want him to be. Let us not forget, Obama voted FOR the PATRIOT Act (albeit with some changes). He is not an anarchist hero...he's a center-left politician who supports the Drug War. Nothing more, nothing less.
bricoleur. : 2008-11-10 01:27:34
As with most of Grey's work, 'kitsch' is my overiding impression.

phanerothyme. : 2008-11-09 22:36:13
Placing a bit too much hope in someone who's the commander and chief of the biggest killbot factory in the history of the world. All I'm thinking is at least it's not Bush...
Man. : 2008-11-09 22:11:47
This is just absurd. Obama is a massive deceiver. Pro-war, anti-drug, anti-gay marriage, pro-corporate bailouts, plus now were throwing in socialism in there..... How is Obama any better from what we have had in the past??

We're also now hearing of plans for World Government and other collectivist moves.. not good at all.


How Alex Grey managed to overlook these things I dont know.. another victim of the Hope-Mongering

Sri Mahalingam . : 2008-11-09 21:03:26
The idea of one world behind Obama is compelling, but its bordering on religion here. Rastafarians turned Haile Salassie into a living god and now they have a religious excuse to smoke ganja. It is strange but stranger things have happened.

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